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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

National Swine Expert Will Speak At CVM On Porcine Epidemic

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

On Tuesday, September 23, 12-1 pm in Magruder 102, Dr. Steven Henry will speak on the devastating pig virus, Porcine Epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv). Dr. Henry is a veterinary clinician in general practice at Abilene Animal Hospital, and specializes in swine and population medicine.

 He earned the status of Diplomate in Swine Health Management by the American Board […]

OSU Research Seeks Survey Participants

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Oregon State University and the Oregon Sea Grant is launching a nationwide, online, survey-based study on “Pet Well-Being and the Environment”. The study is investigating the motivations for pet ownership, the environment that pet owners desire for their pets, and the pet owner’s decisions on the choice, use, storage and disposal of pet pharmaceuticals and […]

Benton County Offering Course in Large Animal Rescue

Monday, August 25th, 2014

The Benton County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse is offering a course on Large Animal Rescue for veterinarians, horse owners, volunteer fire fighters, and anyone interested. The class will be held at the Benton County Fairgrounds Oct. 24-25 and includes instruction in maneuvering large animals with rope systems, safe positioning, working with agencies, etc. Deadline for registration […]

Fun Events For CVM Food Drive

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

February is OSU’s big food drive month. Colleges across campus will be competing to see which can bring in the most money and food for Linn Benton Food Share, which coordinates 21 agencies and programs that provide more than 23,000 meals every month to children, the elderly, and families living below the federal poverty level. […]

Equine Vet Mentors OSU Students

Monday, January 27th, 2014

On a nice, cool morning in November, OSU vet med students gathered at beautiful Vintage Farms in Estacada, Oregon to participate in a castration clinic conducted by Dr. David Asmar of Eagle Fern Equine Hospital. This opportunity for hands-on learning was made possible when Dawn Sayles, who raises championship mini horses at Vintage Farms, approached […]

Cook Up Some Chili for Scholarships

Monday, October 7th, 2013

Registration is open for the 2nd Annual Vet Med Chili Cookoff sponsored by SCAVMA. Students and student organizations have a shot at $9,000 in scholarship money this year. There will be three $1,000 prizes for winning students organizations, five $1,000 scholarships for individual students, and another $1,000 for best theme. Attendees at the cookoff will […]

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