OSU SCAVMA will be holding its third annual dinner on Saturday, March 17, 2012. The focus of the dinner is to encourage interaction between veterinary students and veterinarians, and will be open not only to veterinarians attending the Oregon Veterinary Conference (OVC), but also to CVM alumni and area practitioners. This is a come-as-you-are event held in the Art Gallery of LaSells Stewart Center on the OSU campus. The event will begin at 6:00 PM on Saturday, and veterinarians, faculty, and students are encouraged to come and bring friends and family. Entertainment will be provided.
If you have any questions about the OVC, the OVMA website offers a great overview of lectures and opportunities at the conference (see www.oregonvma.org). Further information about the SCAVMA dinner will be available in the coming weeks, so be watching your email for sign-ups for what is sure to be a fun event! Ticket price is $25 for students and $30 for veterinarians and faculty.