The Oregon Veterinary Medical Association gives the President’s Award to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to veterinary medicine. This year’s recipient was Dean Tornquist.
By: Dr. Amelia Simpson, OVMA President
One of truest pleasures I have had during my time on the Board of the OVMA has been the interaction with the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine here at OSU. I was a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania before I moved to Oregon 12 years ago and I hadn’t realize how much I missed interacting with the students…their energy is palpable and its exciting to be around them. During these last 3 years, I have been afforded the opportunity to be a part of the White Coat Ceremonies for the first year students and even to participate in a couple of ethics lectures for SAVMA. I’ve been so inspired spending time with the veterinary students and I feel the profession is in good hands. But when I reflect on the Why of that feeling—what comes up for me is that the credit goes to Dr. Sue Tornquist, Dean of the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dean Tornquist reports to the OVMA Board as an ex-officio and in that capacity she gives an update on the College at every Board meeting. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that she is one busy lady!! The College is growing leaps and bounds under her amazing leadership—literally and figuratively. She is currently in the midst of a multi-million dollar facilities expansion, the caseload at the teaching hospital has grown nearly 10% a year for the last five years, and class enrollment has expanded.
Dean Tornquist is a seriously accomplished scholar, scientist, professor, and administrator. From the quarterly updates, I see how much effort she is putting in to make certain her students thrive. From doing all she can to fundraise for scholarships to help offset the rising costs of becoming a veterinarian to bringing a wellness counselor for the school, and the list goes on….
What I’ve seen and why I would like to honor her today with the OVMA President’s Award this year is her uncanny ability to lead and inspire this group of high achievers. When I asked one of the 3rd year students what she thought of Dean Tornquist her reply was an enthusiastic “I adore her!” And that sums it up in a nutshell. She has a connection with the students, a relationship that, at the risk of being totally corny, is a beautiful thing to see.
I am pleased to present the President’s Award to Dr. Sue Tornquist. I wish you continued success and happiness throughout your life and your career and I look forward to our paths crossing in the future.