Every summer the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine introduces a group of academically talented, low-income, and minority high school students to the world of veterinary medicine through the OSU Summer Veterinary Experience. The program represents one of many initiatives at OSU that support President Ray’s mission to promote diversity at the university. It also gives the participants an early introduction to college life, and helps them learn teamwork and leadership skills.
Last week, twenty-four carefully-selected young people with a passion for animals moved into the Cauthorn dorm, ate in the dining hall, and attended classes at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Mentors and faculty from the college introduced them to veterinary topics like equine acupuncture, small animal rehabilitation, surgery skills, and animal anatomy. The participants also worked on a research project.
“Our faculty work hard to provide interesting, real-world classes that will engage the interest of these talented young people,” says Dean Susan Tornquist. “Many past participants came to the program with a vague interest in veterinary medicine, among other fields, but they left with a passion for the profession.”

Joy Moore looks through a refractometer to measure total protein of a blood sample.
Admittance to the program is based on academic performance, family income, ethnic background, and a written essay. Twenty of the students selected were from cities and towns in Oregon. This year’s students have a 3.69 grade point average.
“Many of the attending students come from low-income families. This program gives them a glimpse into college life they may not have had otherwise,” says admissions coordinator Tess Collins. “Our goal is to provide a realistic understanding of the field of veterinary medicine, and to get participants excited about higher education, even if they decide veterinary medicine isn’t for them.”
The program offers scholarships, including housing and meals, to students who meet established criteria. The application cycle will be open again in March 2018. For more information, visit vetmed.oregonstate.edu/youth-summer-program.
The Summer Veterinary Experience would not be possible without the following volunteers:
- Sara Smith
- Brian Dolan
- Dan Rockey
- Luiz Bermudez
- Claire Couch
- Ling Jin
- Maureen Larson
- Stephany Vasquez-Perez
- Nadette Stang
- Liz Harbert
- Pat Chappell
- Janell Bishop-Steward
- Travis Feldsher
- Dr. DeMorias
- Dr. McKenzie
- Dr. Magnusson
- Dr. Jennifer Johns
- Dr. Scollan
- Dr. Jana Gordon
- Dr. Meritet
- Dr. Semevolos
- Dr. Allende
- Dr. Mecham