On Tuesday, September 23, 12-1 pm in Magruder 102, Dr. Steven Henry will speak on the devastating pig virus, Porcine Epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv).
Dr. Henry is a veterinary clinician in general practice at Abilene Animal Hospital, and specializes in swine and population medicine. He earned the status of Diplomate in Swine Health Management by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, and is a member of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, American Veterinary Medical Association, Kansas Veterinary Medical Association, and the National Academy of Practice, Veterinary Medicine.
In 2002, Dr. Henry received the Distinguished Veterinary Alumnus Award from Kansas State University and was awarded the Howard W. Dunne Memorial Award from the American Association of Swine Veterinarians. He is the author of papers and book chapters on swine medicine and is a frequent seminar presenter at veterinary conferences worldwide.
Dr. Brad Leamaster, Oregon State Veterinarian, will be providing snacks for attendees.