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Vet Gazette

Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Bike Ride for One Health One World

April 3rd, 2013

SCAVMA would like to invite everyone to join them on Saturday April 27th, 2013 for their 5th Annual Ride the Heart of the Valley Bike, a One Health One World (OHOW) charity event.   This year’s event features a little bit for everyone with three different bike routes to choose from.  The family friendly 12 mile route traverses some of the many bike paths and street within the city limits, while the more challenging 30 and 60 mile routes  allows riders to see the beautiful rural areas surrounding Corvallis and may appeal to more experienced riders with several hills.  For the not so ambitious rider the 30 mile route does also offer a hill bypass if you want push yourself beyond the 12 mile route but are not quite ready to tackle inclines.

The ride should be a lot of fun for the entire family and all the proceeds go to very worthy charities.  All donations received from this event will go toward both the Olive K. Britt Endowment which helps provide emergency veterinary care for low-income families at OSU small animal hospital and the Johnson Dental clinic through the Boys & Girls club of Corvallis which provides dental care for children of lower income families in the community.

Cost to register for the ride:

Early registration before 4/14/13: $30 and includes a free T-shirt

After 4/14/13: $35 and T-shirts can be purchased for $5/shirt

For more information on Ride the Heart of the Valley including registration and how to donate to the ride please visit our website  http://groups.oregonstate.edu/scavma/ride-heart-valley

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