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CVM Awards Ceremony 2011

June 16th, 2011

Dean Cyril Clarke welcomed more than 300 people to the annual Scholarship and Awards Ceremony on June 8 at the CH2M HILL Alumni Center. In his comments Dr. Clarke referred to the high cost of veterinary education and the burden students bear due to increases in tuition and limited state support. He stated: “thanks to scholarship donors, the availability of $250,000 in scholarship funding will have a significant and positive financial impact on our students and allow us to recognize and celebrate their excellence.”

Dr. Susan Tornquist served as mistress of ceremonies and announced the awards, invited donors in attendance to help present their awards and congratulated the stream of students receiving awards. Only the merit and proficiency recognition awards were presented at the ceremony. Financial assistance scholarships are also given to eligible students as resources allow.

College of Veterinary Medicine Honors and Awards Committee had the difficult and time-consuming task of selecting recipients. Thanks go to Drs. Craig Ruaux, Chair; Katja Zellmer, Patrick Chappell and Linda Blythe. Debrah Rarick is the scholarship coordinator.

Following the awards presentations, a reception sponsored by Nestlé Purina allowed people to congratulate the award recipients.

Full listing of awards and recipients:

Daniel E. and Dorothy J. Petrequin Scholarship: Emily Amsler, class of 2014, presented by Linda Schriber and Judy Neeble, daughters of the Petrequins.

From left: Linda Schriber, Judy Neeble, Emily Amsler and Dean Cyril Clarke

Dr. Bruce Hultgren Memorial Scholarship: Britton Nixon, class of 2014

Dr. Lavon M. Koger Memorial Scholarship: Tali Klip, class of 2014

Dallen H. Jones Memorial Scholarship: Ema Burr, class of 2014

Emery and Agnes Kern Memorial Scholarship: Lindsay Baker, class of 2012; Ashley Hanna, Erica Harmon, Samantha Pederson, and Rachel Rich, class of 2013; Alexa Campbell, Misty Clausen, Carissa Jones, and Melanie Philippi, class of 2014

College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Dana Lindemann, Danielle Meritet, class of 2012; Brandon Heikes, Andrew Kiemnec, and Lauren Salgo, class of 2013; Andrea Hargrove and Daphne Johnson, class of 2014

College of Veterinary Medicine Academic Excellence Award: Giovanna Coto, Kimberly Hiller, Laura Niman, and Britton Nixon, class of 2014

Auxiliary to the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship: Haley Barno, class of 2012, and Megan Hornby, class of 2014, presented by President of the OVMA, Dr. Laird Goodman

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Megan Horsby, Dr. Laird Goodman, and Haley Barno

Oregon Veterinary Medical Association Memorial Scholarship: Jacquelyn Abbatantono and Robert Siefken, class of 2014, presented by President of the OVMA, Dr. Laird Gooman

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Robert Siefken, Jacqueline Abbatantono, and Dr. Laird Goodman

College of Veterinary Medicine Community Outreach Award: Laura Niman and Steen Smith, class of 2014

College of Veterinary Medicine Leadership Award: Alina Soderholm and Robyn Thompson, class of 2014

Linn County Kennel Club Scholarship: Lindsay Baker, class of 2012; Angela Schlenker, class of 2013; and Christina Lackey, class of 2014, presented by Pat Wildman

From left: Angela Schlenker, Pat Wildman, Christina Lackey, Lindsay Baker, and Dr. Cyril Clarke

Mountain Dog Rescue Scholarship: Marcie Mullen, class of 2013

Emerald Dog Obedience Club of Eugene Scholarship: Stacee Hironaga, presented by Charley Bentz

From left: Charley Bentz, Stacee Hironaga and Dr. Cyril Clarke

Bayer Animal Health Scholarship: Sean Brady, class of 2013, presented by Steve Bomont

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Sean Brady, Steve Bomont

Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Scholarship: Christina Bernards, class of 2013, presented by Lee Bjornstad

From left: Lee Bjornstad, Christina Bernards, and Dr. Cyril Clarke

Novartis-Ethicon Animal Health Scholarship: Joe O’Hara, class of 2012, and Matthew Evans, class of 2013, presented by Dr. Marc Cohen

From left: Dr. Marc Cohen, Dr. Cyril Clarke and Matthew Evans. Unfortunately, Joe O’Hara had just started clinical rotations and couldn’t attend.

Pfizer Animal Health Veterinary Student Scholarship: Adam Ballard, Jessica Lam and Samuel Tepper, class of 2012; Sadie Curry, Brandon Heikes and Shanna Rietmann, class of 2013. Presented by Dr. Eileen Ball

From left: Sadie Curry, Shanna Rietmann, Adam Ballard, Dr. Eileen Ball, Brandon Heikes and Dr. Clarke. Jessica Lam was unavailable

Rogue Valley Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship: Alison McKay, class of 2013

Veterinary Learning Award – Pharmacology: Shanna Rietmann, class of 2013

Charles and Karen Short Veterinary Pharmacology Scholarship: Leslie Nies, class of 2013

Sharon and Cliff Burgess Scholarship: Ashley Galen, class of 2013

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Ashley Galen

Otto and Helga Spring Scholarship: Samantha Pederson, class of 2013; presented by Otto and Helga Spring

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Samantha Pederson, Helga and Otto Spring

College of Veterinary Medicine Academic Excellence Award: Melissa Flora, Shanna Rietmann, Sean Brady and Sadie Curry, class of 2013

College of Veterinary Medicine Service Scholarship: Maya Bellapianta, class of 2013

Class of 1997 Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Nancy Chilla-Smith, class of 2013

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Nancy Chilla-Smith

Willamette Valley Animal Hospital and Oregon Animal Health Foundation Scholarship: Leslie Dunham and Melissa Flora, class of 2013; presented by Dr. Sheri Morris and John Maddigan

From left: John Maddigan, Dr. Sheri Morris, Leslie Dunham and Dr. Cyril Clarke (Melissa Flora was ill and unable to attend)

College of Veterinary Medicine Community Outreach Award: Leslie Dunham and Leslie Nies, class of 2013

College of Veterinary Medicine Leadership Award: Rachel Collins and Stacee Hironaga, class of 2013

College of Veterinary Medicine Mentorship Award: Kelby Myers and Bryan Rensema

Dog Fanciers Association of Oregon Scholarship: Haley Barno and Michelle Galbraith

Chintimini Kennel Club – Canine Rehabilitation Scholarship: Paul Schiffgens; Canine Reproduction Scholarship: Michael Glynn. Presentor: Kelly Boyd. Unfortunately, both Schiffgens and Glynn had just started their clinical rotations and were unable to attend.

Tualatin Kennel Club Scholarship, in Memory of Debbi Kaluza: Jacqueline Koehne; in Memory of Margaret Braun: Kathryn Hooper, both class of 2012. Mr. Jim Corbett presented

From left: Jacqueline Koehne, Kathryn Hooper and Mr. Jim Corbett

McKenzie Cascade Dog Fanciers Scholarship: Haley Barno, class of 2012

Glen Pfefferkorn/Morris Wendorf Camelid Scholarship Fund: Megan Puchlerz and Andrea Sundholm Tepper, class of 2012; presented by Dr. Pat Long

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Andrea Sundholm Tepper, Megan Puchlerz, and Dr. Pat Long

North West Camelid Foundation Scholarship: Megan Puchlerz, class of 2012

Dr. Pat Long presents award to Megan Puchlerz

Dr. Ed Scott Memorial Scholarship: Justin Ward, class of 2012

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Justin Ward

Umpqua Valley Mounted Posse Scholarship: Rachel Hector, class of 2012; presented by Capt. Deby Hackney

From left: Capt. Hackney, Dr. Cyril Clarke and Rachel Hector

Creston and Dorothea Lamont Memorial Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Travis Schaal, class of 2012; and Elsbeth Centola, class of 2014

From left: Travis Schaal (inset), Dr. Cyril Clarke and Elsbeth Centola

LEI Medical Scholarship: Lindsay Baker and Kathryn Campbell, class of 2012; presented by Brian Lawson

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Kathryn Campbell, Lindsay Baker, and Brian Lawson

Simmons Educational Foundation Scholarship: Elisha Adkins, class of 2012

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Elisha Adkins

Marion-Polk Veterinary Association Scholarship: Rachel Hector, class of 2012, presented by Dr. Kathi Helwig, class of 1990

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Dr. Kathi Helwig and Rachel Hector

Portland Veterinary Medical Association: Jennifer Bentley, class of 2012

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Jennifer Bentley

Oregon Animal Health Foundation Scholarship: Megan Glaser, class of 2012; presented by Dr. Jerry Boggs

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Dr. Jerry Boggs and Megan Glaser

Dr. Robert B. Bailey Memorial Scholarship: Liana Granum, class of 2012

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Liana Granum

Bernard and Stephanie Zylewitz Scholarship: Adam Ballard

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Adam Ballard

Salsbury Veterinary Medicine Scholarship – Academic Excellence: Sandra Lloyd and Julia Mulvaney, class of 2012

College of Veterinary Medicine Academic Excellence Award: Joe O’Hara, Andrea Sundholm Tepper, Julia Mulvaney and Sandra Lloyd, class of 2012

Phi Zeta Induction Recognition: Sandra Lloyd, Julia Mulvaney, Andrea Sundholm Tepper, Joe O’Hara and Adam Ballard, class of 2012

Western Veterinary Conference Scholarship: Liana Granum, class of 2012

SCAVMA Leadership Award: Kathryn Hooper, class of 2012; presented by Emily Amsler, class of 2014

SCAVMA President Award: Jacqueline Koehne

Shane Brown Memorial Scholarship: Kate Schoenhals, class of 2012

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Dr. Keith Sides and Kate Schoenhals

College of Veterinary Medicine Community Outreach Award: Kate Schoenhals and Sarah Tauber, class of 2012

College of Veterinary Medicine Leadership Award: Liana Granum and Travis Schaal, class of 2012

College of Veterinary Medicine Mentorship Award: Andrea Harwell and Samuel Tepper, class of 2012

Columbia River Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Student Assistance Award: Jocelyn Riehl, class of 2011

Don and Betty Bailey Scholarship: Annastasia Burright, Jessika Lais, Kelly Pinckard-Hazzard and Elizabeth Pollak, class of 2011

Beverly M. Thayer Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Paul Brady, Diana Care, Michael Walker and Benjamin Wustenberg, class of 2011

Frank and Amy Finch Memorial Scholarship: Kate Brown, Ragan Garrett, Leticia Hillebrand, Jocelyn Riehl, JoDell Schweizer and Mika Straub, class of 2011

Dick Magruder Memorial Scholarship: Kadie Anderson, Katherine Barnes, Jennifer Grossman and Anna Rothman, class of 2011

Ken and Celia Austin Camelid Study Scholarship: Jennifer Evans, class of 2011

Proficiency in Theriogenology Award: Kate Brown, class of 2011

Northwest Equine Practitioners Association Award: Kate Brown and Jennifer Evans, class of 2011

From left: Dr. Cyril Clarke, Kate Brown, Jennifer Evans, and Dr. Lisa Metcalf

Carolina Cabaret Memorial Scholarship: Jennifer Mitchell, class of 2011

From left: Jim and Carole Bradford, Jennifer Mitchell, Dr. Michael Huber, and Dr. Cyril Clarke

American Animal Hospital Association Student Achievement Award: Courtney Smith, class of 2011

American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists Award: Sonja Lapinski, class of 2011

American College of Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound Award: Ragan Garrett, class of 2011

American College of Veterinary Surgeons Award: Small Animal — Katherine Barnes; Large Animal — Elizabeth Pollak, class of 2011

Novartis-Ethicon Surgical Excellence Award: Large Animal — Amy Sachs; Small Animal — Deborah Peale, class of 2011

Feline Practitioners Awards: Crystal Weller, class of 2011

American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Certificate of Clinical Excellence: Small Animal — Kristy Headings and Courtney Smith, class of 2011; Large Animal — Leticia Hillebrand, class of 2011

Veterinary Cancer Society Student Award for Proficiency in Clinical Oncology: Jennifer Evans, class of 2011

College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Christina Lee, Miles Looman-Nelson and Julia Ter Beest, class of 2011

Nestlé Purina Companion Animal Nutrition Scholarship: Lane Martin, class of 2011

Nestlé Purina Senior Paper Excellence Award: Susan Jelinski, Deborah Peale and Mika Straub, class of 2011

College of Veterinary Medicine Academic Excellence Award: Courtney Smith, Kristy Headings, Jennifer Evans, and Lane Martin, class of 2012

Merck Veterinary Manual Award: Lane S. Martin, Jennifer R. Evans, Kristy A. Headings, Courtney C. Smith, Kate Taylor Brown, Anna Leigh Rothman, Jocelyn H. Riehl, Jennifer Lindsay Grossman, Katherine Hirose Barnes, Michael Emmett Walker, Tanya I. Neville, and Kadie M. Anderson, class of 2011

Phi Zeta: Anna Rothman, Kate Brown, Katherine Barnes, Lane Martin, Kristy Headings, and Jennifer Evans, class of 2011

Phi Zeta Induction Recognition and Presentation of Gold Cords: Courtney Smith, Jocelyn Riehl, Jennifer Grossman, Michael Walker, Kadie Anderson, and Tanya Neville, class of 2011

Veterinary Medicine Service Scholarship: Ashley Brooks, Allison Jacobs, Donald Judson, Sonja Lapinski, Karyn Zittel, and Brian Zulauf, class of 2011

Dr. Joe and Jane Snyder Senior Award: Kristy Headings, class of 2011

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Kristy Headings

College of Veterinary Medicine Compassion for Animals Award: Jessika Lais and Tanya Neville, class of 2011

College of Veterinary Medicine Community Outreach Award: Sonja Lapinski and Karyn Zittel, class of 2011

College of Veterinary Medicine Leadership Award: JoDell Schweizer and Craig Seyler, class of 2011

College of Veterinary Medicine Mentorship Award: Kristy Headings and Jessika Lais, class of 2011

E.E. Wedman Outstanding Senior Award: Courtney Smith, class of 2011

Dr. Cyril Clarke and Courtney Smith

Research Awards

DVM Student Research Award: Jocelyn Riehl, class of 2011

Graduate Student Research Award: Rhea Hanselmann

Staff Awards

Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Staff member Award: Pat Hutson, Dean’s Office, and Steve Lehto, Trades Maintenance

Veterinary Medicine Professional Faculty Award: Lionel Snyder, Farm Manager, and Robyn Panico, Coordinator of Small Animal Patient Services

Faculty Awards

New Investigator Award: Dr. Manoj Pastey

Pfizer Research Excellence Award: Dr. Claudia Hase.

Dr. Cyril Clarke, Dr. Claudia Hase and Dr. Eileen Ball

Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award: Dr. Jennifer Warnock

Dr. Eileen Ball, Dr. Jennifer Warnock and Dr. Cyril Clarke

Photographs by Alan Calvert

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