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Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine eNewsletter

Research Day this Thursday

August 31st, 2010

Research Day for the 2010 summer research scholars will be this Thursday, September 2. Research Day is an annual event that allows veterinary students who participated in the summer research programs to showcase their summer’s work.  Students who were part of the Biomedical Sciences Summer Research Program will give oral presentations, and students in the Merial Scholars program will give oral presentations and present a poster. Presentations are scheduled from 8:30 A.M. to about 4 P.M. in Magruder 102. The poster session will be set up in the lobby all day with authors present during the noon hour.

Full schedule of student presenters and their faculty mentors

Students in

Merial Scholars program and

(presentation and poster)

BMS Summer Research program


For list of students presenting and their advisors follow this link.

Students showcase work at Research Day

On Sept. 3, veterinary students who participated in the Summer Research Program

had the opportunity to showcase weeks of effort to peers, family and faculty during

the 6th Annual Research Day. Students presented their research through

informational posters as well as oral presentations. Topics ranged from The Effect

of Selenium Supplementation in Sheep and Cattle Bioavailability and Immunity to

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus in Dogs, Cats and Horses at OSU VTH.

Those who presented were also judged and Tanya Neville was awarded the Top

Presentation Award for this year’s Research Day. She will receive a trip to a

conference in the continental U.S. There was some pretty tough competition, and

Tanya ended up with the highest score.

Students began the project in the winter by finding a mentor from the faculty and

writing their proposal. A research committee then decided funding based on the

proposal written by the student. Research began in mid-June and most lasted 8-9


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