We know it is spring and time for Pet Day and Open House when the animal and veterinarian-themed quilts are hanging in the lobby. The colorful and artistic quilts were the vision of the class of 2002 graduation decorating committee. Using Laurel Burch quilt design books, several quilted wall hangings and colorful wooden cutouts of animals were designed. They then mobilized several of their ambitious and talented moms to help assemble the creations. The artwork was used to decorate the LaSells Stewart Center Auditorium and Gallery for their graduation. After the ceremony, five of the quilts became gifts to the College. The Dean’s Office displays the canine quilt and wooden dog year-round. The others, including the long banner with veterinary students on it that hung over the stage during the 2002 graduation, are displayed annually each spring term to add to the festivities surrounding Pet Day and Graduation Week. They have also been prominently displayed for the grand opening of the small animal hospital and newly renovated Magruder Hall.