Blog Post #3 – Walk Before You Run

We are making progress. Our industry-contact is pleased with said progress. We’re pleased with said progress. Our current progress will lead to MORE progress!

Inheriting a project from a previous capstone group certainly presented its challenges. The first few weeks spent on this project were littered with anxious moments, imposter syndrome, and frustration while we tried to piece together the parts left behind into some semblance of a working app… we debugged, debugged some more, ran into dependency issues, debugged some more, and slowly but surely began to make sense of things. We have the app running locally and are making improvements to its architecture. To boost our confidence more, we have now accomplished one of our project goals, hosting the app with a single cloud provider (AWS) by utilizing Amplify for the frontend and Elastic Beanstalk on the backend.

Throughout these first few weeks, our team’s communication has been terrific. We use Discord and have channels for async stand-ups, general conversation, and an “I’m Stuck” helpline, among others. We are also using Discord to communicate and meet with our industry contact which has been helpful in increasing communication with our contact and breaking down barriers that may have existed if we only communicated via email.

I truly feel that we have turned the corner on this project and can now tackle our remaining project goals with confidence. I also feel that this project will succeed and is on-track to do so. I, for one, feel very lucky to be in this group. Everyone has been eager to tackle problems, offer help when someone is stuck or lost, and step up to the plate when new tasks arise. Despite the project starting slower than we anticipated, I know that we will succeed in improving our application and leaving behind a clean, functioning, tested, and well-documented application for the next capstone group.

If I could go back 2 weeks in time and give myself a piece of advice, I’d tell myself to be patient and measure progress in inches, not miles.






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