To be a good dog owner

While it is common for families and individuals to adopt a dog, they tend to not put in enough work to make sure their dog is properly adjusted with the world. This is also worse if they choose to adopt a very high energy dog breed. Having recently adopted a border collie puppy a few months ago, a breed that is well known to be extremely active, it has been a lot of work making sure my new companion is adjusting properly to the world.

One of the biggest mistakes dog owner make with their high energy dogs is not giving them enough mental and physical exercise. If a dog’s mental and physical needs are not met, they tend to take it out on their surroundings. This will often mean broken items and torn through furniture throughout the house.

While a very long walk may not be in the realm of possibility for dog owners, one way to quickly meet a dog’s physical needs to playing fetch! This may take some time initially to teach, but once the dog is reliably playing fetch with you it can be such a rewarding and fun experience for the both of you!

Though exercise is not always needed to tire your pup out. Working on new tricks and commands is a great way to tire your pup out mentally and grow each others bond. Dogs have been bred for centuries to enjoy interacting with humans and finding way to work on each others communication is a fantastic experience!

In the end, it is important to consider what lifestyle you are looking for and choose a dog that can best meet your lifestyle.

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