Upcoming Job Prep

With a lot of luck and a moderate amount of work, I managed to land a software engineering job for after I graduate this Spring 2022 semester at Oregon State University! It has been a journey these past two years since I decided to make the career switch into tech and I do not regret my decision one bit. Now that the I am nearing closer to my start date, I find myself needing to be ready for my upcoming job, from refreshing on technologies to getting ready to move.

One of the frameworks that my company uses would be React. Since it has been a while since I have used React, I asked my teammates that I mainly focus on Front-End development for the capstone project so that I can refresh my knowledge of React before I start my job. It has been at least 6 months since I last touched React and I am rusty to say the least. Even so, I will turn to the best source of free information available on the internet: YouTube! Along with YouTube videos, rereading the React official documentation will be a must for me and will help me greatly.But it is not just refreshing my technical knowledge that I am worried about. Relocating across the US has also become a priority as I near my start date.

From looking at apartments to figuring out what I plan on bringing with me and leaving behind, there is much to consider! I found one of most difficult things when looking for apartments is the distance. Unfortunately, I don’t have the liberty to simply drive out and look around. Much of my research has been reading up on reviews online and making as accurate of a judgement call as I can. Fortunately, I have at least planned a small trip about month prior to my relocation date so I can properly scout out apartments and come to a decision. Before then, I will be doing as much research as possible so that I can narrow down my choices when I arrive.

These are just a few things I need to be prepped for by the end of the semester! Despite worrying out the future, I find myself even more excited to learn and relearn all these things! So much to do, so little time!

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