It has been about two and a half weeks since I adopted a border collie puppy and I can honestly say… It is getting better! I adopted a 6 week old border collie on March 13th, 2022. For weeks leading up to the adoption, I was on edge… I spent days figuring out the perfect schedule for her, things I wanted to make sure she understood at a young age, and how I can best give her the best life a dog can ask for! But first, I had to figure out a name for her.
After weeks of brainstorming, I eventually found the perfect name for her: Lady Triệu after the famous 3rd century Vietnamese heroine, often called the Vietnamese Joan of Arc! The name was perfect for her and suits her personality well.
Prior to adoption, I had a good idea of what I had in store when I decided to adopt a border collie. They as a breed are considered workaholics in the truest sense. They are known to be a very intelligent and sensitive dog breed. Because so, I have been prioritizing socializing her to as many environmental stimuli as possible so that she adjusts well to society. But I didn’t not fully understand why that was until after we had met…

The first week was … a pain. The first week she would pee in the house at least once a day despite my efforts to take her out once every waking hour of the day. On top of that she was also experiencing some stomach issues adjusting to dog food, so often I would wake up in the middle of the night to the smell of vomit and poo. Such a mess! This was not even the worst of it! I got to experience a proper puppy tantrum that lasted up to 20 minutes and I couldn’t do anything about it. It is suggested by many dog trainers and vets to avoid reacting to their calls, especially if you have been taking the proper steps to take care of them (feeding, peeing, pooing, etc), or else they learn very quickly that if they throw a puppy tantrum, they will get what they want from us caretakers. Listening and trying to ignore her was gut wrenching!
Things started to click for both of us near the end of the first week and we managed to figure out what works best for both of us. I was persistent in maintaining an appropriate schedule for her and she was a trooper the entire time. Since the first week, we have had only one pee accident inside the house and that was because I had forgotten to take her out to alleviate after she had woken up!
We started proper obedience training in the middle of the first week and I finally understand just how intelligent she is. Just after the first week alone, she recognized at least 10 commands (sit, down, stay, look at me, come here, spin, twist, weave between legs, get in crate & release, around, circle). I have been constantly on my toes in making sure her mental stimulation and engagement is fulfilled. She is like a sponge! Constantly absorbing every information that is provided to her!
It has been about two and a half weeks since I adopted her and I can already say with certainty that we will have the best time together! She has been a wonderful addition to the family and I look forward to spending more and more time with her as she grows into the perfect pup!