This is the last month of the course, the semester, the calendar year, and the program. I will say this class is top 3 of those courses that I will remember as really challenging me to the core. The stress of learning new concepts, re-learning old ones from a long time ago, not wanting to disappoint your team members, and being on a tight schedule is really weighing down on me as we approach the deadline. However, things are looking brighter as I was able to overcome a serious blocker that has had me stumped for a long long time. The technical details I will share in my stand-up, but for my blog, I will share the relief of figuring something out sure still is sweet as ever.
The repercussions of taking one class a semester is hitting me hard in this course. The re-learning is taking a lot of time from me. However, I am learning a lot from doing such a big project as a part of a team. These are growing pains that I am appreciating, but pains nonetheless. But this is to be expected. This program isn’t for the meek and mild. This program is challenging and for those that want to not only learn, but change something in their lives. And change doesn’t come easy. In my past courses I’ve dealt with stress by remembering that things don’t have to be perfect. But when other team members are depending on you, this changes a bit. But I see the accountability as another healthy stressor that will push me to become a better engineer, which is the point of this program.