Future Career

I’ve recently accepted a position with a large company that offers a training development program for my first job after graduation. This will be my first job as a software developer and I am very excited to start it. There are a few reasons that I chose to accept this offer over other opportunities. The training development program takes place over a year and will see me work with at least two different teams working on different projects. This will give me some needed experience with multiple technologies and teams that I might not otherwise get.

Since it is a large company there should also be a large amount of help, mentorship, and training available as needed. Having the support system of a large company was something that I really was looking for in my first job in this field as there is a lot to learn.

Finally, I was looking for stability and growth opportunities as I want to continue to grow and improve. While switching companies is always an option, large companies have many openings and opportunities for advancement that are not always available at smaller companies.

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