Category: Uncategorized

  • When in doubt: Take a Walk

    The clock is ticking. Homework is due. Sitting in your chair, you’ve managed to put in a few hours of work into your final homework assignment due for the week. Those hours were effortless. As you reach the finish line, you tell yourself you’ve got this in the bag. You think out your next step…

  • The Importance of Mock-Ups

    In the beginning stages of designing any project, it can be difficult to mentally conceptualize how users will interact with your application. Doubly so if you are new to the business domain of your users – not only do you need to determine a technical implementation that provides an intuitive flow for your users, you…

  • Testing Persistence with Abstract Repositories

    When it comes to testing your persistence implementations do you run into issues forming tests against databases while avoiding production code, but also dislike mocking to test your database calls? Try out an Abstract Repository! Here’s an example of an Abstract Repository. At the most basic level we’ll want to add entities to our database…

  • A Tale of the Unknown Unknowns: Creating User Stories

    Have you been notified of a new project assigned to your team and you’re not sure where to begin? Have you ever felt lost trying to understand the obscure jargon of your business domain? One way to overcome this development obstacle is to create user stories. What is a user story? As per Atlassian: “A…

  • A Road Less Taken: My Journey into Software Development

    I didn’t start my career aspirations in software. In fact, I had no idea what software development was until much time after I graduated from Sacramento State with a degree in Psychology. I completed my first degree in 2010, two years removed from one of the largest recessions in the United States and was working…

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