Spore trapping for the 2022 Ergot Alert Network was started May 5-6. We currently have rotating arm samplers located at the following spore monitoring locations:

  • Lower Columbia Basin: Two rotating arm samplers placed in a commercial perennial ryegrass seed field near Hermiston. Spores have been detected at this location.

  • Central Oregon: Two rotating arm samplers in artificially-infested Kentucky bluegrass plots at the Central Oregon Agricultural Research and Extension Center. Spores have been detected at this location.

Depending on your region, some Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass cultivars may be nearing anthesis. Protective fungicides should be applied immediately prior to onset of anthesis and throughout the flowering period to protect unfertilized ovaries from infection. Cultivars with prolonged flowering periods may require more than one application.

The PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook is a great resource for more information on fungicide options for ergot (https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/host-disease/grass-seed-ergot) and other diseases of grass grown for seed.

For more information, please contact Jeremiah Dung.

This work is funded by the Eastern Oregon Kentucky Bluegrass Working Group and the Oregon Seed Council.

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