Tag Archives: documentation

Box Training – Mandatory Fun

Most of you should have received an invitation to access OSU’s Box instance. We now have access for all of us to do the helpdesk training. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Login at http://oregonstate.box.com
  2. Then, go to http://training.box.com
  3. If prompted to login, choose “Login with Box” and enter your OSU credentials (username@oregonstate.edu)
  4. Follow this link to view the training – you will need to allow pop-ups
  5. The training should take about 30-60 minutes to complete
  6. Please edit this Box document and add a note about an item you think would be good to include in Box documentation or an FAQ.

Everyone needs to complete Box training by Friday, August 12. As a reminder, Box will be available for all students and employees at the start of fall term.

More useful Box documentation can be found here:



OCH Drupal Dev – Search fixed

Search is now working on the OCH Drupal dev site.

OCH Drupal dev link (also linked in RefTool): http://drupaldev.cws.oregonstate.edu/och/login

OCH Drupal Dev is a wiki for internal documentation pertinent to OCH and Service Desk, but may contain things of general interest as well.

Please use the search box on the left, and NOT the OSU Search at the top. The OSU Search is Google-based, and Google search does not work against sites that are behind a login (like this one).

If you do not have access to the site, let me know.