Service Desk Digest – 8/25/2021

Cosine Transition

The big news today is the transition of Cosine support point-of-contact happening Thursday, August 26 at about 10:00am.

We will be forwarding calls, emails, and web form submissions for Cosine customers to the Service Desk. A reminder email will be sent to Cosine customers about the changes around 11:00am.

As a reminder, Cosine customers are CX customers, and will show as such in RefTool. We provide the same level of service to them as CN customers.

A few things are not standardized yet, so please review the infosheet for important details: Cosine Department InfoSheet (Internal)

Cosine student employees will be shadowing with Service Desk employees (Max is working on setting this up now) and eventually moving to Milne.

All of the former Cosine team members are in the Customer Experience team; the best place to ask for help is in the SD Internal Talk channel.

Service Desk Digest 8/16/2021

Ray Hall

OSU-Cascades in Bend has a new building: Edward J Ray Hall.

Customers will start moving into the building this week, and we may get some IT questions. If you need to escalate something to our on-site IT team, please review the OSU-Cascades IT escalation instructions:

Mac Updates

Starting the evening of Tuesday, August 17, the Endpoint team will be re-enabling application and OS updates for Macs managed by Community Network. This does not include OS upgrades, nor Office version upgrades. If there are any concerns or issues, please contact James Dudzik or ask in the “Endpoint and Labs” channel in Teams:

Cosine Transition Update

We will be transitioning points-of-contact for IT support for Cosine customers on Thursday, August 26. This will include moving email, phone, and in-person support to Service Desk. Cosine customers will be notified of this change this week. If customers have concerns, you can ask Andrew Wheeler to contact them.

For general questions about Cosine issues, please ask in the SD Internal Talk channel. The Cosine students are in the channel and can help! Devin and Robin are also great resources.

Note: new computer builds for Cosine customers should be done with the CN imaging process. New account setups for Cosine customers are going through the Service Desk form and process, with help from Mark Cohen for security group modifications.

Adobe Licensing Changes

This week, changes were made to the Adobe licensing process. These changes apply to individual (also known as “named user”) licenses for Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Licensing Process Changes:

Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are now controlled by two grouper groups, adobeAcrobat and adobeCreativeCloud, respectively. These grouper groups are the source of truth for Adobe licenses. Any license additions/removals should be made there, and will need to be done by an admin or the Software Licensing Coordinator.

Membership will be synced to the Adobe console at least once a day in the morning. This sync is what will actually grant the user the license, so depending on when they were added to the grouper group, the change could take a while to process. In an urgent situation, an Adobe admin can grant a user a license in the Adobe Console (as long as they also grant grouper group membership).

Acrobat Licensing:

Employees are now automatically granted Adobe Acrobat named user licenses. Specifically, the licenses go to people in the following three groups

  • Employees – Classified
  • Employees – Unclassified
  • TS – Temporary Support Staff

Users with a Creative Cloud license are excluded, as Acrobat is included in Creative Cloud.

These licenses are used to install Acrobat on personal devices. The license is not required to use the serialized Acrobat that is installed by default on CX supported computers.

Creative Cloud Automated Licesning:

The TDx form Software – Adobe Creative Cloud License Request can still be used by customers to request a Creative Cloud license. If they request a license for themselves and provide a valid index & activity code, their request will be automatically processed and they will be granted a license within minutes. Otherwise, the ticket will be sent to the Software Licensing Coordinator for manual processing.

RefTool Service Offerings Changes:

You can now see a customers Adobe licenses in the Service Offerings block in RefTool. See below for an example of someone who has a Creative Cloud license. This is controlled by grouper group membership, so there could be a delay between Reftool showing that a user has access and that access actually being granted in the Adobe console.

Please contact OSU TeamDynamix Support with any questions.