Service Request Form is Going Away

As part of our effort to implement assets in TDx, we have added the Asset field to all CN forms and are removing access to the generic Service Request Form.

To that end, you should NOT be using the form called “Service Request Form”.


When making a new ticket, please select one of the following forms under the “+New” menu in TDx. For detailed information about when to use each form, see Ticket Forms in the IS Service Desk Guide.

Account Issue
Campus Labs
CN Accounts
CN Build/Rebuild
CN Device or Application Support
CN Malware Response
CN Printer Support
CN Recommendation/Purchase
Compromised Account
Device or Application Support
Walkup – CN Device or Application Support
Walkup – Device or Application Support


When working with a customer on a CN-supported device, you should record the asset in the ticket. This means we don’t have to collect machine name, hardware type, etc., on the ticket as all of that is already recorded on the asset.

General Intake Workflow

  1. Find out who the customer is and look them up in RefTool.
  2. Create a ticket using the appropriate form.
  3. If they are a CN customer, do the following:
    1. Select the appropriate CN form.
    2. Ask what computer the request is about and record that in the Asset field on the form.
  4. For Walkup requests, select the appropriate walkup form. Exception: if the request is about a CN build, rebuild, malware, or other specific CN request type, please select the appropriate CN form and set “Service Desk Walkup customer?” to yes.
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