[Reftool] New feature – Mail relay mappings

Reftool now allows for searching a variety of mail relay mapping files. This feature replaces a similar function that used to be part of tools.nws, and should make troubleshooting a bit easier in situations where a mailbox is receiving email sent to an address that Exchange/etc. doesn’t indicate it should be sent to.

To search the relay mappings, change the search type to “Mail Routing” and enter an email address or partial email address (e.g., jane.doe@lifetime.oregonstate.edu).

The returned results will indicate which relay mapping file they are found in as well as a short description for each file.


Mail Routing Results


Relay Mapping Files:

relay-recipients-exchange: Addresses that get sent to Exchange “as-is”.

relay-recipients-onid: ONID addresses generated from the Banner ONID account feed

virtualusers.google: Google virtual user mappings

virtualusers.orst: Static @orst.edu mappings

virtualusers.exchange: Mappings to Exchange that are translated to a relay address

virtualusers.lifetime: Lifetime aliases

virtualusers.other: Various other aliases

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