Data migration for International Programs – ISAS and ISFS

Data migration for International Programs – ISAS and ISFS

Date migration is taking place: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 @ 4:00 PM (CN call center may receive calls from International Programs users on the morning of the 23rd).

Possible Impact: 44 users from International Programs.

Locations affected:

\\cn-share\IP\ISAS  (The contents of “ISAS” are being transferred to \\cn-share\IP\OIS\OIS – Student).

\\cn-share\IP\ISFS (The contents of “ISFS” are being transferred to \\cn-share\IP\Restricted\OIS – Scholar).

**User’s shared drive mapping will be unaffected, due to the mapping applying to the root of their share (\\cn-share\IP).**

If users call in: Assist them with accessing the \\cn-share\IP\OIS folder or the \\cn-share\IP\Restricted\OIS – Scholar folders.

Reason for migration: ISAS and ISFS have recently become one unit, International Programs the Office of International Services.  The director of the Office of International Services has requested that we migrate data to a single folder so they can start unifying their processes and content. Due to the sensitive data that is contained within the ISFS folder the ISFS data is being moved over to the restricted share, members of the (former) ISFS team will sort the data and transfer unrestricted contents to the IP OIS folder as needed. Grace Atebe has discussed this with their affected users and have informed them of this change, however we may get calls from International Programs users with questions.


Recent data migration – International Programs ISAS and ISFS
Problem ID: 2837099