OSU Alert (Rave) and New OSU IT Outages List

As you may know, OSU Alert (Rave) is OSU’s system for sending emergency alert notifications.

Recently, Information Services has implemented a new process for coordinating on major IT service outages. As part of this effort, there is a new list in OSU Alert for notifying people of OSU IT Outages.

People can request sign-up to the OSU IT Outages list with the request form on our site here: http://is.oregonstate.edu/cn/webform/enroll-osu-it-outages-alert-notification-system

The form creates a request assigned to the Service Desk queue. Everyone in the Service Desk has “help desk” access to the OSU Alert system. It is our responsibility to add users to the OSU IT Outages list in OSU Alert when requested. Instructions are in the OSU Alert ITKnows article. (Note: this process may be automated later, but for now is manual.)

I have updated help desk access for all of our technicians. If you are not able to see and modify list memberships for users in OSU Alert, please let me know.

I encourage you all to add yourselves to the OSU IT Outages list if you would like to receive notification of major service outages.

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