Call Center Digest – 10/23/2015

Folks, this is a busy place.

I took a look at the number of tickets across all of the Client Services queues yesterday. It was over 800. Two weeks ago, it was over 1,000, so we are catching up.

Then I looked at the number of tickets we touched (added a note, changed a field, set responsible, etc.) in a 24 hour period.  It was 500. And that was not even a very busy day.

So, if you feel busy, you are not imagining things. I am working on some ways to analyze our workload, understand it better, and tell our story. As always, your insights and suggestions into that process are appreciated.

New Items and Reminders

OSU Cascades tickets –  Tickets that are escalated to Greg or Shannon at OSU Cascades for on-site follow-up are now staying in the CN Base queue. If you see a ticket with “responsible” set to Greg or Shannon, please let them follow up with the customer.

OSU Alert Issues – Some people did not get the earthquake announcements last week. This was because the message was sent out via the “Outreach” mechanism rather than “Emergency”, and OSU was not set up properly to use that. I have shared that feedback with the proper folks so that should not happen again.

Also: the vendor has confirmed that OSU Alert password reset emails can take up to 10 minutes to send. (Ugh.)

Blackboard Demise – Blackboard is slated to be retired at the end of fall term 2015. Instructors are advised to export their gradebooks and course content. Courses will be archived for some period. More information here: Canvas Transition Web site

Schedule Planner – OSU has a new service to help students schedule classes. We will hopefully have some training on this soon (it’s waiting on me). More information here: Schedule Planner


Fun fact: about 7 million tons of chocolate are produced each year. It’s not enough.

Or as Katherine Hepburn put it: “What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.”