Category: Uncategorized

  • Personality and Stress Management

    The surveys and tests that I was able to take and internalize were quite valuable to me in understanding how I approach certain situations. Many of these situations are ones that I wouldn’t think about internally, more so just react how I do I move on shortly after. It was also enlightening to see the…

  • The Interview

    The lecture material this week regarding interviews gave great insight into the key attributes of good vs bad interview. It is apparent, based on the lectures and my own experiences, that a good interview is one that is planned and structured. Many times, even at large corporations looking to hire highly qualified individuals to fill…

  • 2020 Fortune Best Companies To Work For

    Selected Companies and Their Practices Nvidia: An all-encompassing company known for its manufacturing of GPU’s, chip system integration for use in vehicles and robots, as well as their contribution to advancing AI. Away from the heavily advanced work that this company is involved in, it is known for having an impressive HR track record. The…

  • Hello world!

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