2020 Fortune Best Companies To Work For

Selected Companies and Their Practices

Nvidia: An all-encompassing company known for its manufacturing of GPU’s, chip system integration for use in vehicles and robots, as well as their contribution to advancing AI. Away from the heavily advanced work that this company is involved in, it is known for having an impressive HR track record. The tenures that Nvidia has details that employees are interested in sticking around and continuing to work with the company, shown by nearly 40 percent of employees having been tenured for 6+ years and with 32% being tenured between 2 and 5 years. Nvidia also has been awarded countless amounts of awards in regards to being the best place to work in the nation, totaling 46 awards dating back to 2016.

Publix: A popular supermarket store known for deli subs, groceries and impeccable service by employees who enjoy the place they work. Publix has their team members receive their “Great Place to Work” Certification that allows employees to complete a survey and include their own analysis on how their company is contributing to their experience.

T-Mobile USA: A phone service company rapidly picking up traction after purchasing Sprint, T-Mobile is a company known for being a great place to work. Nearly 85% of their employees stated that the company makes them feel welcomed, allows for a fulfilling atmosphere with lots of responsibility, are given the ability to take time off when it’s necessary and are proud to tell others that they work at this company.

Bank Of America: One of the largest Bank chains that employs thousands of people all over the nation. These employees state that management is consistently making suggestions to improve the company, that they feel good about their contributions to the community through their work and that the management is honest and ethical in all aspects of the job.

Manager Type and Challenges

The type of manager that I am looking to be begins with the desire to be respected by my peers. Respect as a manager comes from consistent communication, being involved, being understanding, having true intent to produce beneficial work and most importantly, being approachable to all those that I supervise. As a manager, it is crucial to develop relationships with individuals that’re performing work for you and for there to be mutual respect amongst us. This allows for easier conversations, more productivity and less stress imposed from those that you need the most out of.

With that, gaining respect is one of the more challenging aspects, especially in my field of work. It’s important an individual getting into the construction management realm out of college puts their best foot forward, communicates to all involved, is interested in learning from those that have the experience and treats everything as an opportunity to grow. Having this type of mindset will pay dividends as far as generating relationships with your employees goes.





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