Personality and Stress Management

The surveys and tests that I was able to take and internalize were quite valuable to me in understanding how I approach certain situations. Many of these situations are ones that I wouldn’t think about internally, more so just react how I do I move on shortly after. It was also enlightening to see the level of stress that I have been subjected to throughout the year and the varying levels that different activities presented. The personality test asked me questions regarding my drive and direction that I already knew were prominent, but that really register with me now how destructive they can be at times. This test allowed me to understand that some of my goals and ambitions will not lead to inevitable happiness and yet may be causing more tension and stress on my mind and body.

The steps that I can take to progress my career by managing stress includes living day by day and task by task. I am often time a forward thinker, a dreamer, which is entirely fine… but to a degree. My mind is often constantly absorbed with the future and direction, initiating a lot of stress about the unknown and the inevitable steps that lead to it. Allowing myself to live in the moment and take life slow will improve my stress levels and may inevitably improve my stress levels.

Per Perci Health, mental health conditions are estimated to affect 1 in 6 adults and in 2020/2021, led to nearly 300,000 lost jobs because of it. We are beginning to see this more in professional sports which allows it to be brought to the limelight. With this, it is important for smaller organizations and companies that employ lots of people to understand their employees and ensure that they are doing well not only from a performance standpoint, but a livelihood standpoint. As important as it is for these companies to see improvement in the company direction, there is value in understanding employee direction which can inherently be reinvested into the company through performance. To do so, organizations need to establish wellness and mental health programs that are open and available at all times. There must be consistent communication and an open channel so that these employees feel comfortable using these resources as dealing with mental health conditions can be some of the hardest challenges people can face.

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