Midpoint Reached

Well, the semester is halfway over, and the project is officially at the midway point of completion. Work is progressing nicely, but I thought that for this week’s blog entry, I’d give an overview of where the project is at currently (i.e. what features are complete, what is still in progress, etc.), as it seems to be a fitting time for such an update.

Currently, the application is hosted here. The version of the app that is hosted publicly is a few commits behind where the project repository is at currently, but has a good amount of the project requirements already implemented. These include a new user registering for a new account:

Registration of new user

The ability to create tests:

Creating a new test
Viewing the test list

Adding questions to a given test by visiting its details page:

Test details page
Adding a true/false question
Test details page with questions

Also available is the ability for questions to be edited if the test has not been finalized:

Editing the first true/false question
Updated test details page

Any created test with questions can be finalized in the details page, which makes it impossible to edit the test or add new questions to it:

Finalized test in test list

Once finalized, any test can be emailed to any number of potential candidates by clicking on the Send button:

Sending test to candidate email

Clicking Send Test successfully emails the input email addresses with a unique link:

Emailed unique link containing GUID for test

Currently, on the hosted version of the application, clicking the emailed link does not take a potential candidate to a page where they can actually take the test, however this has recently been implemented locally in development.

Moving forward, we still need to implement the actual saving of user answers into the database, as well as figuring out the correct way to organize test-taker results for the employer to view. Overall, the project is nearing feature-completeness, with only a couple of more areas of focus remaining. I feel very confident that the team will be able to complete the project with plenty of time to spare, and turn in something fairly impressive in its functionality. Looking forward to the second half of the course / project. Until next time…

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