Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

Nitty… meet gritty  February 4th, 2022

So this last week has been a cycle of attempts, failure, pondering life choices, and then new attempts at solving the core functions of our application.

For our group project, I have been tasked with manipulation of the basic audio playback (which I thought would be straight forward). I walked into this project with very little experience in audio data or even C++.

I can now confidently say I have a slightly more experience with both! I have been working through tutorial after tutorial and have a much better understanding of how audio is stored in memory and how to process that memory into the device IO.

I am not going to lie. There was a low moment where I couldn’t figure out why the program kept throwing exception after exception. I felt frustrated, inadequate, confused, and frankly just really PO. I wasn’t getting errors consistently and I did, I couldn’t figure out exactly why the error was being tossed.

So I got a beer.

And when my wife asked what was going on, I explained “I don’t know what the problem is,. I don’t know when, or even exactly how, but given enough time, I will figure it out. ”

One beer smarter and a couple of hours later I was asking her to come listen to “door_slam.wav” and “cello.wav” sing in a harmony that only a witless programmer can appreciate.

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