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Running downhill  January 20th, 2022

Do you remember trying to run downhill for the first few times? At first it feels amazing, gravity helps you run faster than you ever have been able to run before. Then… there is a moment. The moment when your legs can’t keep up with the rest of your body. Your run starts to tips into falling, your urge you legs to go faster, yet gravity seems to pull harder with every second.

That’s me right now. Instead of gravity, it has been work, life (covid exposure), cleaning my home, a new health problem, job searching and oh yeah, my last two classes of my degree. I have been keeping up so far but this week everything came at me fast. I am trying to get it all done but I feel like my feet (really my typing fingers) can’t keep up.

I normally try to maintain a healthy social life but I have a strong feeling that I am going to have to put that one pause until the ground levels out.

I am really enjoying my group work with my team and learning about audio processing, just feeling the gravity of the term. I am using a ton of the stuff that I learned in my software engineering classes and this project feels more “real” than anything I have worked on before.

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