Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

Diving in  January 14th, 2022

This week has been hectic…

The start of classes, the barrage of emails from students with positive COVID cases, house projects, and capstone!

At least I know what my project is and I am pretty sure that I understand what it is suppose to do by the end of the term. While not the biggest win, it’s still a win and those are few and far between right now.

My path through CS has somehow totally missed C++. I have dabbled in C for the operating systems class but I haven’t really dived into the modern C++ syntax ever. So guess what this project needs? Yup, you guessed it, a specialized framework that is all written in a super popular and common language that I have no idea how to use.

This just means I get to spend a little extra time doing some tutorials and getting extra exposure to cool concepts. I just wish I had a little more time.

Finally, as I look back on this week, my group is awesome. I am going to be the weakest link, which is great motivation to get on things early. We seem to mesh well as a team, and so far my more experienced counterparts have been really helpful and kind.

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