
Week 7 Blog: IPIP Resuts

The purpose of this blog is to reflect on the results from the IPIP test

After taking the test I found that my extraversion score was average, my agreeableness score was low, Conscientiousness was average, Neurocritical was high, and my Openness to Experience was low. What this says about me is that I am usually very self-critical, emotional, down to earth, enjoy time with others, and relativly organized.

From the standpoint of an employer, I want them to focus on the aspect of my criticalness and tough holding of myself. In most situations of applying for jobs I seek fast pace high intensity work environments, as. I thrive under pressure. These personality traits showcase me as a person who you can rely on to take on a challenging task and not give up when things get tough, someone who can take criticism and role with it as I am critical of the work I put out. I am incredibly organized as far as work is concerned meaning I can be expected to have multiple things on my plate but budget my time effectively. Some things I may struggle with at times are burning out emotionally from putting all my focus in one thing I am working on. This is good for results on a project, but overtime can cause issues with the work I may be putting out. Fortunately this is easy to mitigate through things such as time off and working with others on complex projects both things offered at most jobs.

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