
Week 5 – Blog Post: Typical vs. Maximal Performance

If I were in the shoes of the business owner and had to choose Avery or Jaime to be my colleague, I would choose Jaime. It is understandable that Avery has a high potential when he is performing in some important events in a business. However, Jaime was able to perform his job in the consistent way, letting his performance has the standard one. For me as a business owner, I would prefer to have a consist worker because I do not have to worry about his/her daily performance since I knew that he/she could perform in the way that is acceptable. Although when it comes to some certain situations like the clutch one, it is really unfortunate that Jaime could be only provide me with the daily job performance, it might not also get such situations. Even so, I got such a team could help me to solve the problem together.

I think Avery is more suitable for the job duties that require workers to have different performance and the job environments are fluctuated. If the job requires Avery to change his performance such as the sales team. Sales team requires workers to have different planning in each of the different events. They have to communicate and have meeting with different customers. Different events and customers provide Avery a changing environment that he could provide his high potential.

For Jaime, he is a low potential but high consistent person. I think Jaime is more suitable for working at the company that is required workers to provide a standard job performance but less creative and fewer outbreak situations. For example, the job such as an accountant, it requires workers to perform a high standard without mistakes, it would be suitable for Jaime to work for it.

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