
Job Application Experiences

As a junior student, I have tried different types of jobs. In the job application, the last job I have applied for is my internship. As I did not have many job experiences before, I believed that my resume is not as well as other applicants. Therefore, I did not mention much about my job experiences but I have mentioned my experience in being a residence association club to enrich my resume. After finishing my resume, I found a company and job that is matched my expectations to apply through jobsDB. A few days later, I received a phone call from the company I have applied for, asking me to have the interview. As I have never tried to get a formal interview before, I asked my parents and friends to give me advice that can help to prepare my interview.

During the interview, I got lots of information from the interviewer telling me about the company’s history. I also understood what job duties I have to do as well as my responsibilities. When the interviewer asked why the company should hire me for the internship position, I realized that I can make good use of my experience from the residence association club. As my job duties including job tasks to organize different activities to colleagues. My previous association club experience matches the job duty. I found myself will be helpful and I can assist the company to hold the activities. After knowing my own values to the company, it increased my desire to work there. I thought being an interviewee will be tough stuff for me, but in fact, it helps me to understand more about whether the company is the one that I am looking for and also helps the company to look for the right candidates.

4 replies on “Job Application Experiences”

I think you make a great point at the end. Not only is the company interviewing you, but you are also getting a chance to interview the company. Great point!

From reading you blog post, it sounds like you have learned a lot and grown personally, professionally, and academically through this job application experience. It is very cool how you were able to apply your experience from the residence association club to the job you applied for. Thanks for sharing!

Asking help from friends and family is an excellent way to prepare for an interview. I do that whenever I find myself in that situation too. I also liked that you mentioned during the interview that you gained new knowledge and appreciation for the company as well. It is important that during these interviews, applicants ask questions trying to see their fit within the company as well. Looking back, was there anything you would do differently about your interview?

I really enjoyed reading your post! I also have gone to family members and friends to practice getting ready for a job. You sound like you did a great job in your interview making the experience you had in clubs apply to the position!

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