Category Archives: Set Up

What a Journey!

I have learned so much through this course!! There were a lot of new things, some things that needed practice, and some things that I had always been aware of but never utilized it enough to perfect the skill. New … Continue reading

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All in for Rigamajig

I personally thought that my research subject, the Rigamajig, is amazing! I love how it engages children to use their brain and imagination to not just follow directions, but create and learn many things along the way! Furthermore, I think … Continue reading

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Round 2

For our first research project, finding information was fairly easy…it was the compiling and comprehension that took the time. However, with this project, writing the report it easy, I am just struggling with finding the information. There is not much … Continue reading

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Done with one Project, and off to the Next!

Adding images to my cultural research paper was fairly simple. I really like how easy this program is to use and navigate. The trick of writing ‘&copy’ will be a useful one to keep in my back pocket for future … Continue reading

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So Far So Good

Now that my cultural research project is pretty much complete (except for more editing next week), I feel a lot more relaxed! Coming into this project, I underestimated how much time I would need for the research, and it seemed … Continue reading

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Off and Running

There were parts of this week’s blog assignment which I thoroughly enjoyed, but other sections were confusing… I really enjoyed choosing the design for my blog! There were so many colors and set ups to choose from, and I am … Continue reading

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And So It Begins…

Coming into my first week of Gender and Technology, I had no idea what to expect. I was a little overwhelmed as I started reading the introduction, but once I actually began the steps things progressed very smoothly. Blogging I … Continue reading

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