What a Journey!

I have learned so much through this course!! There were a lot of new things, some things that needed practice, and some things that I had always been aware of but never utilized it enough to perfect the skill.

New Technical Skills

  • Creating an email Signature
  • Embedding links
  • Creating, maintaining, and designing a blog
  • Creating a budget through a program
  • HTML codes
  • Image captioning


One of the most interesting new theories that I learned was through the gender lens project! I had always been aware that gender plays a large role in out society, but I had never dove that deep into the various factors… Many of which I had not even considered could be related to gender (economics, education, etc.).

Furthermore, I was also aware of the gender pay gap and the class ceiling, but I was unaware of current statistics and reasoning as to why there is still such a great inequality. Doing the research each week really opened up my eyes and gave me evidence to back up my position.

In the Future

I think that the most useful skill I have learned through this course is the skills surrounding the blogs! With our world (especially the professional one) getting more and more technological all the time, I think that blog knowledge could be very helpful in not only securing me a a job, but promoting whatever  or whomever I work for/with later on.

I don’t know if I will continue to use my blog site after this class…considering I wouldn’t know what to write about! However, I have enjoyed putting my thoughts into something concrete, and perhaps a blog is in my future!

I think that I will most definitely use screen shots, PDF’s, and spreadsheets in the future! As I said above, technology is a huge part of our world. I think that learning through this class even more mediums which I can use to communicate with others (professionally or privately), instead of just usually email,  will greatly benefit me for years to come!

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