Compensation Management

The biggest area where I believe compensation was needed the most but not granted enough was during my time in the Army. Occasionally we would be granted a certain compensation such as leaving 1 hour early but that’s where it basically ends as far as compensation goes. We were very exploited workers due to us being overworked and underpaid. Even when we’re not at work, we still have to have our phones nearby in case we’re called in for the most absurd reasons imaginable. Therefore, when it came time to re-enlist I could not have been any less interested. Regardless of whether you perform outstandingly or poorly. Our working conditions were still subpar, therefore, I, along with many of my coworkers gave minimum work halfheartedly. Some people who are still in see promotion as a form of compensation, when really it’s more work in a different manner.

Equity Theory

The Equity theory would be relevant within my rambling to determine if the means justify the end. Whether the input measures the output enough to feel it is worth staying in the military for a long extended period of time. Personally, it felt as if the larger I stayed in, the larger my headache would be.

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