Blog Post #4

In my last post, I talked about my job search and how I had 2 interviews that did not go as well as I had hoped. Fortunately, things have been trending upwards since then.

Despite the current market downturn, I have still been able to land interviews. I have been consistently practicing LeetCode problems and have been improving at online assessments and technical interviews. One resource I would like to highlight is the Neetcode 150 list ( This collection of algorithmic problems has really helped to focus my practice and studying. Problems are grouped based on their patterns, which has helped me to identify patterns and apply the appropriate solutions.

For some of my interviews I have been given take-home assessments, which mostly have involved building a simple web app that integrates an existing API. This has felt refreshing in a way, because I am able to actually apply useful skills and build something instead of solving random algorithmic problems. It feels like this method is a better assessment of a candidate, since the candidates likely need to apply the very same skills they would be using if they were to be hired.

As of now, I am in the interview process with 4 companies. Hopefully, my next post will provide an update that I accepted a full time job offer!

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