
Week 1 Blog

October 6 2023

Topic: Major Companies and How They Use HR

HR is imperative to success in modern industry. The commonly known primary role of human resources is to hire, interview, train, and prepare employees for success in the field they work within the company. Expanding on this, they are also the driving force behind employee compensation, benefits, and other things that are important to not only success for employees in their jobs but also increased comfort and security for their lives as members of the industry. Some of the biggest companies that I read about using HR heavily are Starbucks, UniQlo, and Nike.

Starbucks, UniQlo and Nike are three very well-known brands that hire and retain some of the most skilled employees in their industries. HR is the reasoning behind this. Both companies on the corporate level conduct multiple in-depth stage interviews prior to hiring a new candidate. They prioritize qualities in people that other companies overlook such as problem-solving approach styles, and diligence in obscure problems. By doing this they are able to hire the most eager to work, skilled, and passionate employees. Once hired they provide immense benefits and vouch for internal growth in the company for all members.

In a managerial role, I hope to be the kind of person who seeks ways to intrinsically motivate the team working under me. At the end of the day most people regardless of what their job is, whether they love or hate it, are working to make some kind of paycheck. Although this is certainly a motivating factor in working for a business, I seek to provide my employees a reason to come to work each day that extends beyond making money. The issue that comes with this is that it is incredibly challenging to generate this principle within people. I understand that what motivates one person to work may not be the driving force for another employee, I seek to solve this issue by tailoring my managerial style to the needs of the individuals working for me, not just sticking to a singular cookie-cutter process.

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