Effective vs. Ineffective Interviews

I have gone through many different interviews processes and I can recall ones that stood out to me as effective and others that were not so effective. Reading and going over the lecture materials has been interesting, as it has helped me hone in on what made each interview good or bad. For example, something that stood out to me from the Week 5 – Learning Materials was where it talked about conducting the interview [1]. Specifically, the part where it talked about actively listening and taking notes. I have been in a few interviews where the interviewer does not take notes and I remember it not sitting well with me. This was mainly concerning when I would be asking questions or letting the company know important stipulations about working there and nothing would be written down. Alternatively, when a company is actively listening and taking a lot of notes, it stands out, making it appear as if the company cares. On that same topic and referencing the learning material, it was impactful when the companies would later reference notes they took on what I said and expand/ask more about them.

Another area that distinguished interviews was the knowledge that the interviewers had relating to the job. There were times when the person conducting the interview didn’t seem too connected to the job they were hiring for and the vague answers led to a lack of assurance in the company’s culture. On the other end, when the interview conductor knows the job inside and out, it helps build confidence that the company cares about all levels and employees.

I would recommend companies encourage their interview conductors to take notes during interviews, build a deep understanding of the job they are interviewing for, and use body language to help show they care.

[1] “Sign in to your account,” Oregonstate.edu, 2025. https://canvas.oregonstate.edu/courses/1993967/pages/week-5-learning-materials?module_item_id=24974251 (accessed Feb. 05, 2025).

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