UFIO Platform Spun Up and Launched!

My goal last month was to have the UFIO platform and Financial Services site launched by the end of April. Well, I beat that deadline by over a month, launching both sites March 27. The directory of UFIO still needs some finessing, but it’s in great shape and we’re looking forward to moving on to Facilities Services.

Financial Services Site Live

Work was speedy with Financial Services and we got the site content into shape in about two weeks.

Project Communications Newsletter on Target

I have written an article about the Steam Tunnel project as well as an update on the OFSC panel failure. I’m working on getting the newsletter template finished, using a brand template from URM.  I will run the communication by URM/Steve Clark’s office before sending, and work to create an editorial calendar for the next few months.

Upcoming in April

  • Attend AEA Seattle
  • Launch Project Communications Newsletter (Campus Directions?)
  • Create content/get Facilities Drupal site into shape. There is some customization for the Facilities Services site so I am not keen on setting a launch date yet.

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