The beginnings of my CS467 project

Today’s blog is a collection of my thoughts about the beginnings of my CS467 project. I will discuss the project, team structure, tech stack, and other project-related thoughts.

Today my team met for the first time to discussed our CS467 project. We (Kevin, KP, and myself) agreed to build an issue tracker, similar to Jira or Asana. I think this is a great project, because it has the right level of complexity that our team desires to build, and is also interesting.

Kevin, KP, and I have similar backgrounds, all having some time type of project/product management experience. I think this will work in our favor, because our team has a deep understanding of scope, resource, and time management. This should allow us to right-size our tasks to ensure we build an impressive project, while not going overboard.

In terms of tech stack, we decided to build our issue tracker with the following tools and technologies:

  • Web Front End – JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, etc.
  • Backend Application – Node.js, Express
  • Database – PostgreSQL
  • Hosted on Google Cloud Platform
  • VCS will be GitHub

Kevin has front-end experience, so he will be building the UI. KP will be building the back-end and database, since he just took CS340 and CS290. KP will also be helping Kevin with the front-end. I will be building the back-end alongside KP, performing configuration management for GitHub and GCP, and performing various PM/administrative tasks.

Our team seems to be getting along well, and we all seem to be on the same page. So, I have a positive outlook with our future team interactions, as well as the outcome of the project.

Stay tuned to for updates on how this project develops…

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