
Is Recruitment and Selection ACTUALLY Important?

As students, soon to be business professionals, we will be faced with decisions that aren’t always the most straight forward. There has been much discussion on the topic of employee recruitment and selection processes and how crucial it is to a company. Some have made the bold claim that it is the most important function, while others would tell you a company has much bigger issues to deal with. Either way, I think everyone can agree, that the people working in your company are a vital role in the success of your company.

Some organizations might allocate more resources to other areas such as marketing or finance, rather than employee recruitment and selection for a few reasons. First, without successfully getting your product into the hands of the consumer, your sales will not rise. Additionally, without proper bookkeeping and finance practices, your company will lose tremendous amounts of money. Now I understand that it takes the right people to perform these jobs, but the right person that enjoys what they do will stick around. Also, most companies see marketing and finance as key elements that tell the story of their business. They will try to focus on these important roles that show the most significant benefit to the company.

By not focusing on recruitment and selection, they can put their dollars into new product design and customer satisfaction which could have a greater effect on overall sales. A downside to not focusing on recruitment and selection is that they could spend thousands and more dollars on hiring and firing costs if they have a high turnover rate. All in all, it is crucial for a business to emphasize the importance of recruitment and selection, but at the same time not get so caught up in it that they overlook key elements of their business such as finance, marketing, and R&D.

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