“Psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, and fertility specialists know that claiming your 20s is one of the simplest things you can do for work, for love, for your happiness and maybe even the world”

“Adulthood begins in the 20’s, but there’s a changing timetable in adulthood…researchers call it an extended adolescence, journalists generated nicknames for twenty-somethings like ‘twixters’ and ‘kidaults’”

“…everybody says as long as I get started on my career by the time I’m 30, I’ll be fine; but then it starts to sounds like this: my twenties are almost over and I have nothing to show for myself, I had a better resume the day after I graduated from college…”

I attended the TED talk that was presented locally on OSU’s campus this recent week and I can fully vouch for the incredible sensation of empowerment, inspiration and motivation one leaves with after a 2 hour long TED talk session! For those who did not attend or those who do not even know what a TED talk is, I HIGHLY recommend regarding this particular 15 minute speech and soak in the speaker’s words.

Whether you agree or disagree, each TED talk speaker is educated in the subject they talk about, providing facts and sometimes personal stories that captures your attention. Meg Jay does an excellent job discussing her beliefs, research and personal stories about twenty-something-year-olds; a relatable topic I feel every person should ponder on.

*Find out why 20’s is the time to education yourself about your body and your options

*Know the difference between exploration vs. procrastination

*Understand the 3 things that every twenty-somethings deserves to hear

  1. Get some identity capital
  2. Connect with weak ties
  3. Pick your family

Posted by Whitney Cordes, Career Assisant

There are many companies that choose to hire our Oregon State University graduates, because let’s be honest, we have some great minds that come through this University. One of these companies is Sherwin-Williams. Many OSU Alumni have had great success with this company and were willing to share their stories with us!

“Mid-way through my senior year I received an e-mail that was sent to all 
of the College of Business students regarding a management training
 program offered by Sherwin-Williams. I was graduating June 2000 with a 
business marketing degree and was looking for an entry-level position. 
After a couple store visits and an interview, I was offered a trainee
 position, which allowed me to gain a management position after just 6
 weeks of training with little ‘real world’ experience. After being an
 assistant manager at a couple stores, I was offered to manage a new
 store in Tigard, OR. I was given the opportunity to be a training
 manager there and have seen several of my trainees move on to become 
outside sales reps and managers throughout the area. After a roaring 
start and a couple tough years, my store had it’s all-time best
 performing year in 2014 and we are looking forward to continued growth
 this year!”
Nate McNeely – Tigard Store Manager
Nate pic

“I pursued professional football for 4 years after I graduated in 2008
 with a BA in History. When it was time to seek a career, I had no idea
 of where I would land a position. I always had in mind that I would
 teach, it would give me an opportunity to mentor and teach children. 
With the lack of teaching jobs in my subject, I knew I had to choose
 another route. I was fortunate enough to get connected with Sherwin-
Williams. I started off in the Manager Training Program, which prepares
 you to handle the tasks of an Assistant Manager in one of the paint 
retail stores. After completion of the program, I was placed as the 
Assistant Manager of the Portland Rose Quarter store. After a year of
being an Assistant Manager, I was promoted to Store Manager of the
 Clackamas location. I would have never thought my career would have
 taken me into sales, let alone the paint industry. Building
relationships with customers and helping them develop their business has 
been extremely rewarding. On top of that, I still get the opportunity to 
mentor and teach my employees. It is a great company that promotes 
within and I take pride in preparing my staff for the next position. 
From a history major to running a business, you never know where your 
career will take you!”
Alexis Serna – Clackamas Store Manager

“I graduated from Oregon State in 2011 with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Interior Design. I minored in Business and Entrepreneurship. During the
 spring term of my senior year, I applied for the Management Training Program. During my
 interview, I was offered the job! I graduated in June and was able to
enjoy two months off after school before starting my training in August. 
I trained for 6 weeks at a large volume commercial store, and was placed
 in October as the Assistant Manager for our East Vancouver store. I was
 there for 2.5 years when I decided I was ready to manage my own store. I
applied for an open position at a Portland Sherwin in May, and started 
managing the store in June of 2014!”
Chelsea Henley – Portland Store Manager

“I graduated from OSU in December of 1998 with a B.S. in Communications 
and a minor in writing. After Oregon State, I had a 14-year career in
finance, risk management, and lending which took me from Corvallis to
 Seattle, Beaverton, and currently, Vancouver, WA. I traveled
 extensively throughout the PNW and part of the U.S. during this 14 year
 journey. However, the economy finally caught up with my former employer
 and I was laid off. 

I was referred to Sherwin-Williams from a good friend in late 2013 and I began my
 career as an MTP in March of 2014 where I am currently the Assistant
 Manager at our Mt. Tabor store.”
Matt Ledford – Mt. Tabor Assistant Manager

We would like to give a special thanks to Sherwin-Williams and their wonderful employees for sharing these stories!

Posted by Carly Barnhart, Social Media and Outreach

Even though I work for The Career Development Center, I still learn a lot when I take the time to utilize the resources myself and I would like to share with you a piece of advice I got during a career consultation that I found really valuable. That advice was to join a professional organization related to my field. This advice was really valuable to me mainly because it had never really occurred to me, I didn’t think that it would be useful to join a professional organization until I was actually a professional in my field, not just a student. While it is true that some of the resources provided by professional organizations is only useful to people that are already in their career, in my experience there are still plenty of resources that are useful for students.

Now a lot of this is going to be speaking from my experience joining the American Chemical Society, I don’t know for sure that everything I say is going to be applicable to every professional organization. That being said, if you know of any professional organizations related to your field I encourage you to check them out and see if they’ll be worth joining, and here are some reasons why.

First of all, I got to enjoy the luxury of student pricing. The membership dues were significantly less expensive for a student, and if you ever decide to go to any conferences or anything then those are a lot cheaper too. I also have access to a lot of really valuable field-specific career resources. Career advice and help from a huge group of people that are all in the same career path as me. There’s even a job board that is only available to members that I can use to search for jobs after graduation.

Another thing you get when you join a professional organization is access to a big network of people and it becomes easier to reach out to them and bring them into your personal professional network. Over the summer I attended an ACS conference which was a great opportunity to meet people, see what people in the field are working on, and hear from awesome speakers. Networking is very important in the career development and job search process so this becomes an invaluable resource.

Last but not least, membership in a professional organization is definitely something that you can put on your resume. While it’s not advisable to do something only to put it on your resume and not get anything else out of it, it’s still a plus. So I encourage everyone to look into whether your field has an influential professional organization and see about signing up.

posted by Deirdre Newton, Career Assistant