first blog post

Hey! It’s nice to meet you, and welcome to my blog for CS467.

A bit of background on myself – I graduated from UCSD with a B.S. in NanoEngineering, and a minor in Chemistry. Throughout most of my undergraduate years, I primarily worked on product development in biotech. After graduation, I worked as a researcher in medicinal chemistry. Fast forward to today, I’m in my second-to-last quarter of the Computer Science post-bacc program at Oregon State University!

As you might have noticed (or experienced it for yourself), passions change. Or I suppose a more accurate description is that passions get refined. I promise there is a method to my madness. With each company I worked at, each project I advanced, and each team I collaborated with, I learned about new technologies, and faced new challenges. Ultimately, the sum of these experiences became my catalyst to study computer science with a goal of developing novel and robust applications to support research.

Currently, I am most comfortable with Python and C, and have a bit of experience in JavaScript through previous courses. I’m still a bit torn between wanting to focus on front-end or back-end (or being full-stack). For this class and project, I want to prioritize learning how to integrate everything I’ve learned from previous classes in order to build and ship a complete application.

During my free time, I enjoy reading, playing games, or climbing with my friends. I’ve also started to do daily leet code problems as a way to regularly practice coding. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with everyone through this blog!






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