
Blog Post #3

I have a general idea of how to go about the project, but I don’t know the gritty details. I need to ask more questions, develop further, and do more testing. I figured out how to clone the repository from Github, but I still can’t run pip install -r requirements.txt. I tried the GeoPandas Python library to use for the geographic information.

The course has been good. The instructor has been flexible with due dates, which has been helpful in the chaos of life. My teammates have made the experience good as well, by being reliable and taking leadership roles.


Capstone Project

During these initial stages of the project, it has been a positive learning environment with a group of students. There have been struggles with getting the proper development setup, but sometimes an earlier version of Python is required for some applications. The codebase has an incompatibility issue with the newest versions of Python, and may be slightly outdated. I hope this is an easy fix.

The capstone project course has been good. I’m glad there is a loose structure to keep the students engaged, but without having too rigid of requirements.


Hello world!

Hello world! I’m Lucinda, and this is my outlet for sharing my progress on my software engineering senior capstone project. I’m a student at Oregon State University, local to the Pacific Northwest in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. I got into computer science after being inundated with ads for learning how to code that piqued my interest and also in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and selecting a major that can be done remotely. My favorite programming language is Python, because of its versatility and ease of use. I’m interested in the pharmacology flashcard software project.

My husband and I are pet parents to a beautiful, mitted and booted, gray Ragdoll cat. My interests outside of computer science include health, medicine, theology, and esthetics (skincare specialty). My favorite TV shows include Bob’s Burgers and the Great British Baking Show.