CS462 Blog Post 3

Our Text Adventure Game for Education project has come a long way this term. It’s functional and we’re ready to demonstrate how it works, though there’s definitely quite a bit of tweaking and polishing needed before we put out our final product. It’s been fun learning more about React, SQL, and PHP this term in the context of our project development. Our team has collaborated effectively and each team member has contributed in meaningful ways, though I do wish we could get our schedules to align better so that we could have full team meetings more often. It’s been challenging this term but hopefully next term it’ll be easier for all of us to get together for a virtual meeting on Teams. We will be having at least one more full team meeting this term to discuss finishing touches for the project archive and demonstration due next week.

I’m excited for our project to be completely finalized at the end of CS463 because I have friends who are teachers and they might be interested in using it for educational purposes. The TAG Team’s goal is for our product to be fun to use both for the educator developing the game and the students who play it. I’m hopeful that it can make an impact in some small way not only for my teacher friends, but for other educators out there who desire a means to make learning enjoyable for their students. Based on what they’ve told me, kids’ attention spans are shorter than ever and it can be hard to get them to focus on material. This makes me wonder if there’s some way that we can make our games more attention-grabbing in the vein of Fortnite or TikTok. Obviously a text adventure game won’t be quite as stimulating as those, but keeping the students’ focus should be a priority and something the TAG Team and I will consider as we finish up our project next term.






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