Blog Post #3

We’re in the last few days of Fall 2023 and CS 461. In hindsight the course did a great job using the explorations and assignments to guide us through the beginning stages of project development. It was nice to have some practical guidance on things like effective design and prototyping that could be put to use right away. Even now as we’re at work developing our projects, the explorations are preparing us for the future with topics like building a resume and nailing an interview. I appreciate how much of what was covered will be (or already has been) put to use in my computer science career.

We’re making steady progress on the development of our cross-platform personal trainer app. I’ve spent a large part of the last few weeks learning more about SQL. My challenge has been creating the Health Education Library that will house educational material on fitness and wellness accessible by the user. In addition to compiling these videos and articles, I’ve been developing the database that will store them using MySQL Workbench. In a previous class, we stored databases at and were able to log in and access them with a class-specific username and password. I was able to use PHPMyAdmin, a helpful GUI for building and maintaining tables in SQL. MySQL Workbench has been a nice tool as well, but preferred working with PHPMyAdmin and hosting the database on OSU’s classmysql server. All in all, I’d say our team is in a good place with our app’s development at this point. There’s much more work to be done before we want anyone to use it, but we’ve got a solid foundation to build on in CS 462 and CS 463.






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