
Choice based on Compensation

Abstract: Think of a situation where you (or someone you know) engaged in a set of behaviors and compensation was a motivating factor. Some examples – accepted or declined a job offer, left a job, or decreased effort. Why do you think compensation motivated that behavior? What was it about the compensation that led you (or the other person) to behave that way?

Before coming to the United States to study, I worked as an intern in a cable network company. My salary is just enough to pay the bills for my daily life. Typically, this can last for about five years as there are no vacancies in our company. Waiting is not a good habit, and if I don’t make any changes, it is hazardous for me to be satisfied with the current status. In China, the degree usually determines an employee’s initial salary and higher pay opportunities in the future. To get a higher starting point of salary and a chance of promotion in the future, I choose to study abroad to strengthen my knowledge and skills.

I have to say that my expectation and desire for salary led me to make this decision. At first, I accepted the internship because I needed to meet my basic living expenses. Gradually, I yearned for higher levels of satisfaction, such as psychological satisfaction and realization of self-worth. After the MBA program, I have more options and the skills to ask for a higher salary. Also, I have more possibilities for promotion in future development. My motivation for leaving was material and psychological, but the starting point was compensation.

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