Labor unions

I think the biggest pro to a labor union is the higher wages. (Week 8 Lec 3) I was part of a union when I worked for the DMV. We had the protection against managers, great wage increase we won in bargaining agreements, and set rules management had to follow/ allow, however that was from an employee stand point. from an employer stand point there are many cons, like not being able to fire a person who doesn’t do their job correctly or show up to work. the unions look out for their people, which means what they stand for is really great for the underdogs, not real great for the top dogs.

I think the key take aways are the labor unions will help you negotiate for higher wages, focus more on the employees than the company overall. Protection from manager whims( lecture). I would say that I would join a union again. the union I worked for really helped me with wages and I enjoy the fact that someone does our bidding for us. It saves me the hassle. my previous jobs have not always been the kindest or treated me fairly but with the union, it seemed like others understand that everyone is protected, so I never really had that problem before.

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